No.1 line rail transit opens to the metro. 2019-01-02 17:17:18

  Today (January 1st ) No.1 line of rail transit opens to the metro, the landmark moment of the development of Ji’nan . From now on the ancient Ji’nan city enters the “metro era.” No. 1 line of Ji’nan going through west Ji’nan , 26.1 km in total, invested by 12.9 billion is the one of the main lines connecting south and north in the whole rail transit network . Down starting on Industrial Technology Research Institute Station and up ending on Oriental Heritage Station , No. 1 line holds 11 stations (4 underground stations, 7 elevated stations, 1 base in Fan Village, 1 control center ) passing from Chanqing District, Shizhong District, Huaiyin District. Constructors of Ji’nan metro only spent 1265 days to realize the opening and created “Ji’nan speed” to realize subway dream of Ji’nan people.