Shandong Entrance Examinations for Colleges and Universities in Summer Held From June 7 to 10 2024-04-24 17:07:27

Shandong Entrance Examinations for Colleges and Universities in Summer Held From June 7 to 10

  This year, Shandong entrance examinations for colleges and universities in summer adopts the "3+3" examination model, including Chinese, mathematics, and foreign languages (including writing and listening comprehension), three subjects of national unified college and university entrance examinations, . In addition, candidates can choose three subjects from six subjects of the ordinary high school academic level exams, such as politics, history, geography, physics, chemistry, and biology. Foreign languages in the national unified college entrance examination are divided into six languages: English, Russian, Japanese, French, German, and Spanish, and candidates can choose one of them to participate in the examination.